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Atheists Running Scared

April 2007

Richard Dawkins’ latest book THE GOD DELUSION has been in the top ten on the New York Times bestsellers’ list for over 22 weeks. Dawkins, a long-standing professor at Oxford University, is considered the dean of Biological Evolution. Actually, Dawkins’ book is one of six recent books promoting atheism.

Is atheism cresting the wave of popularity? No! The reverse is true. A fitting subtitle for Dawkins’ book could be “The Angry Old Atheist.” Dawkins even lashes out at fellow atheistic evolutionists. Jim Holt, the New York Times reviewer, a science and philosophy writer, observes, “Dawkins’s avowed hostility can make for scattershot reasoning as well as for rhetorical excess.”

Dr. Denis Alexander, of Cambridge renown, epitomized Dawkins’ game plan: “The time-honoured strategy in propaganda when attacking the ‘opposing sides’ is to paint them in the blackest possible light, using the most gruesome examples, and then to make stark contrast with one’s own side which is, of course, full of truth, light and reason.”


Dawkins’ basic premise is, although one cannot disprove the existence of God, he argues this provides no reason to believe in God. Dawkins contends the burden of proof is on the advocate of the existence of God.

All the reviews have failed to put Dawkins’ book THE GOD DELUSION in its historical perspective. The basic reason for Dawkins’ anger is not his conjured up absurdities of the Theists, which he viciously shoots down, but the gnawing heartache of betrayal. Dawkins has a super-ego problem that blinds him and distorts his reasoning. After all, he is the dean of Biological Evolution. His masterpiece was his book THE BLIND WATCHMAKER, published in 1986.

Theists were using the logic that only an intelligent person could make something so extremely complicated as a watch with gears moving in opposite directions and intricate parts traveling at varying speeds. A watch could not come into existence by chance. It had to have a maker. Therefore, the theists reasoned, the universe is so complex that there has to be an intelligent designer behind it. Dawkins thought he demolished this Creationism in his book THE BLIND WATCHMAKER. With a gleam in his eye Dawkins asserted that evolution was indeed THE BLIND WATCHMAKER. His fellow atheists beamed with approval.

Enter “Intelligent Design”

But then something happened. In 1993 Professor Phillip Johnson, University of California, invited a small group of scientists from major academic centers to Pajaro Dunes, CA, to question an idea that had dominated scientific thinking for 150 years—Darwinian Evolution. This was a turning point for all who attended. Each had questions they dared not express before. Each brought something of their own into this critical inquiry. As the discussions intensified, excitement rose as a new way of looking at the origin of life dawned. This was the beginning of a community of scientists who were willing to follow their doubts concerning evolution to new horizons of understanding the origin of life and the symmetry of the universe.

Richard Dawkins’ latest book THE GOD DELUSION has been in the top ten on the New York Times bestsellers’ list for over 22 weeks. Dawkins, a long-standing professor at Oxford University, is considered the dean of Biological Evolution. Actually, Dawkins’ book is one of six recent books promoting atheism. Is atheism cresting the wave of popularity? No! The reverse is true. A fitting subtitle for Dawkins’ book could be “The Angry Old Atheist.” Dawkins even lashes out at fellow atheistic evolutionists. Jim Holt, the New York Times reviewer, a science and philosophy writer, observes, “Dawkins’s avowed hostility can make for scattershot reasoning as well as for rhetorical excess.”

Dr. Denis Alexander, of Cambridge renown, epitomized Dawkins’ game plan: “The time-honoured strategy in propaganda when attacking the ‘opposing sides’ is to paint them in the blackest possible light, using the most gruesome examples, and then to make stark contrast with one’s own side which is, of course, full of truth, light and reason.”

Dawkins’ basic premise is, although one cannot disprove the existence of God, he argues this provides no reason to believe in God. Dawkins contends the burden of proof is on the advocate of the existence of God.

All the reviews have failed to put Dawkins’ book THE GOD DELUSION in its historical perspective. The basic reason for Dawkins’ anger is not his conjured up absurdities of the Theists, which he viciously shoots down, but the gnawing heartache of betrayal. Dawkins has a super-ego problem that blinds him and distorts his reasoning. After all, he is the dean of Biological Evolution. His masterpiece was his book THE BLIND WATCHMAKER, published in 1986.

Theists were using the logic that only an intelligent person could make something so extremely complicated as a watch with gears moving in opposite directions and intricate parts traveling at varying speeds. A watch could not come into existence by chance. It had to have a maker. Therefore, the theists reasoned, the universe is so complex that there has to be an intelligent designer behind it. Dawkins thought he demolished this Creationism in his book THE BLIND WATCHMAKER. With a gleam in his eye Dawkins asserted that evolution was indeed THE BLIND WATCHMAKER. His fellow atheists beamed with approval.

Enter “Intelligent Design”

But then something happened. In 1993 Professor Phillip Johnson, University of California, invited a small group of scientists from major academic centers to Pajaro Dunes, CA, to question an idea that had dominated scientific thinking for 150 years—Darwinian Evolution. This was a turning point for all who attended. Each had questions they dared not express before. Each brought something of their own into this critical inquiry. As the discussions intensified, excitement rose as a new way of looking at the origin of life dawned. This was the beginning of a community of scientists who were willing to follow their doubts concerning evolution to new horizons of understanding the origin of life and the symmetry of the universe.

Earth was no longer viewed as a speck of dust adrift, without purpose or significance, in the vast cosmic sea. They now knew that a finely-tuned array of factors throughout the universe worked together to make Earth suitable for complex life. All of this wealth of knowledge could be summed up by one phrase—“Intelligent Design.”

They returned to academia and dialogued with their associate scientists. Now many of Dawkins’ fellow atheistic evolutionists deserted him for “Intelligent Design.” Many books supporting “Intelligent Design” were published. Yes, there is a God behind it all. What audacity! No longer was Dawkins debating with biblical simpletons, but with “Intelligent Design” scientists, or simpletons buttressed by the arguments of “Intelligent Design” scientists.

The next blow to Dawkins was the deflection of Fred Hoyle, the dean of cosmology and hero of atheistic evolutionists, who aggressively opposed theism and Christianity. Hoyle originated the longstanding “Static Universe” theory that excluded the need of an intelligent Creator.

But Hoyle discovered that an incredible fine-tuning of the nuclear ground state energies for helium, beryllium, carbon and oxygen was necessary for any kind of life to exist. If the ground state energies of these elements proportioned to each other were just four percent higher or lower, there would be insufficient oxygen or carbon for life anywhere in the universe, including the planet Earth. This fine-tuning forced Hoyle to conclude—a super-intellect (God) “monkeyed” with physics, as well as with chemistry and biology in order for life to exist on Earth. Hoyle becoming a theist shook the halls of atheistic evolution.

Then Hoyle did the unforgivable. He dared to attack Dawkins’ pet theory of chemicals sloshing about in a “prebiotic soup” catalyzed by extreme convulsions of nature and presto, microscopic life appeared. The total probability of this happening by chance is 1/10^167,626 Thus, without an intelligent Creator, life’s probability was next to zero.

Hoyle compared this chance of spontaneous life as equal to a “tornado sweeping through a junkyard” that afterwards settled down uniquely assembled into a Boeing 747 from all the debris. Dawkins’ anger bristled as he retorted Hoyle, a recognized giant in science, “doesn’t understand the first thing about natural selection.”

The Last Straw

Antony Flew, Dawkins’ fellow professor at Oxford and the leading Philosophy Professor championing atheism for over 50 years, startled the intellectual world in 2004 by announcing that he now believed in God.

Once a legendary proponent and debater for atheism for decades, Flew concluded, “the argument to Intelligent Design is enormously stronger than it was when I first met it.” Flew stated, “It now seems to me that the findings of more than fifty years of DNA research have provided materials for a new and enormously powerful argument to design.” Flew also renounced naturalistic theories of evolution. This proved devastating to Dawkins. So Dawkins struck out with a vengeance in THE GOD DELUSION. “The fool says in his heart, ‘There is no God.’” Psalm 14:1, ESV.

Evolution’s Roots of Morality???

To Dawkins all religions are evil. They pervert and brutalize mankind. He attributes the good in man to Darwinian Evolution: “Altruistic genes have been selected through the process of our evolution, and we possess a natural empathy.” According to Dawkins, if mankind threw off the evil contaminations of all religions they would stand united as atheists, allowing their altruistic genes to propel them into a brave new world. Well, the 20th century shot that theory full of holes.

Evolution and atheism proved to be a disastrous mix. In his book OUT OF CONTROL, Zbigniew Brzezinski, President Carter’s National Security Advisor, noted “The 20th century became mankind’s most bloody and hateful century.… Totalitarian utopias caused the death of approximately 175 million people in this history of insanity.” Why?

The roots of Nazism came out of the writings of Friedrich Nietzsche and his theory of the Superman. Nietzsche’s philosophy, in turn, drew from the writings of Darwin and Herbert Spencer. Spencer coined the phrase “survival of the fittest,” yet it was Nietzsche who most clearly articulated that evolution showed that strength was the most desired quality and weakness the only failing. Yet, the atheistic rule of Hitler, Stalin, Mao, etc., resulting in 175 million deaths proves the utter bankruptcy of the evolution-atheism mix.

Are All Religions Evil?

Global Islamic Jihad bombings, 9/11, mass murders, and beheadings all in the name of Allah seems to confirm Dawkins. What about Judaism? The God of Judaism gave us the moral laws of Moses and the utopian ideals of the Prophets.

The second President of the US, John Adams, had this to say of the Jewish people and their religion: “They have done more for civilized men than any other nation…. They are the most glorious nation that ever inhabited the earth. The Romans in their empire were but a bauble in comparison to the Jews. They have given religion to three-quarters of the globe and have influenced the affairs of mankind more, and more happily, than any other nation, ancient or modern.”

Jesus indicted the religious rulers for corrupting Judaism, but the religion God gave to the Jewish people was pure. Matt. 23.

What about the Christian religion? The teachings of Jesus and his twelve Apostles are pure and noble. The Sermon on the Mount and Paul’s dissertation on love are sublime. But the Christian era has been bloody. There is no evil in the Christian religion. Whereas, there is evil in the Christian church to the extent these systems have been influenced by Satan’s false teachings and follow his spirit. During the centuries of the Holy Roman Empire, the Popes claimed to be God on earth, and The “Holy” Inquisition was born amidst the screams of tens of thousands as they were stretched on the racks or burned at the stake.

Calvin in Geneva, percentage wise slaughtered or burned more than the Papal Inquisition. Then there was Luther’s bloodbath of the Anabaptists, whose only sin was they opposed infant baptism. Jesus in Matthew 13 predicted that the tares, nominal Christians, would vastly outnumber the wheat, true Christians. The true Christians were a light of nobility by word and deed during the darkness of the Christian era.

Christ’s Kingdom

The story of Christianity is far from ended. Atheism lasts only for the present life— short or long. But Christianity lasts for eternity. Why? The God of the Christian religion so loved not only Christians, but also non-Christians including atheists, that He gave His son to die for every man. (Heb. 2:9) For God “will have all men to be saved [from Adamic death—‘For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive,’ 1 Cor. 15:22] and [then] to come to an accurate [Gk.] knowledge of the truth,” 1 Tim. 2:3,4. Why? Because Jesus “died a ransom for all,” verse 6.

During this life God is calling a special class, a “little flock,” who will have the unique honor of reigning as kings and priests (to bless) with Christ in his thousand-year kingdom, Rev. 20:6. Meanwhile, all non-Christians, including atheists, are learning the consequences or “travail” of sin (Eccl. 1:13; 3:10) so that in Christ’s kingdom, when “the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea” (Isa. 11:9) the “remainder of men” (who are not of the “little flock”) will have the opportunity “to seek after the Lord.” Acts 15:14-17. Oh yes, throughout eternity the “little flock” will be special, very special. They will be the “apple of God’s eye,” Psalm 17:8.

Dawkins’ Basic Challenge

Remember Hoyle’s Boeing 747 satire to disprove spontaneous life by chance. Dawkins turned it around to argue that, “God almost certainly does not exist.” He said, “However statistically improbable the entity you seek to explain by invoking a designer, the designer himself has got to be at least as improbable. God is the Ultimate Boeing 747.”

Notwithstanding Dawkins’ sarcasm, forget his Boeing 747. Our God is the ultimate of what an ideal God should be. No amount of superlatives can fully describe His greatness and goodness. Justice is the foundation of His rule. He is the epitome of Paul’s dissertation on love in 1 Corinthians 13. He knows the beginning from the end and has the wisdom to plan for eternity for the best interests of all, without the possibility of failure. And He has the power to carry out His benevolent purposes.

This God Exists

The Judeo-Christian Bible is unique in that it contains hundreds of prophecies, some making predictions from over 3,000 years ago that are being fulfilled in our day. Over 200 prophecies were written up to 1,000 years before the 33-˝ years of Jesus’ life on earth. They predicted minute details about Jesus, which were fulfilled. Many prophecies have been fulfilled down through the ages. How does this prove there is a God? Only a God can make predictions from 300 to 3,000 years ahead of time and know in advance what will happen or use His power to fulfill these predictions.

Also, our Bible contains many scientific observations that anticipated scientific discovery by up to 3,000 years. Again, only a God, our Heavenly Father, could predict and cause these scientific discoveries to happen.